Tuesday, February 5, 2013




Aluminum is ALmazing!

Just kidding, but it’s a pretty significant element and by the time you read this you won’t want to vote it off any time.

Aluminum is a very important metal which is found in the earth’s crust.  It makes up approximately 8.1 % of the earth’s crust. It was discovered by an Danish chemist Hans Christian Oersted in 1825. Aluminum is a metal, metals are found in solid form at room temperature  (except mercury). Metals have a shiny surface, a high melting point, and high densities. Metals are known for large atomic radii with low ionization energy and low electro negativity due to the fact that the valence electrons can be removed easily.

Other properties include:

·         Usually, high deformation

·         Malleable

·         Ductile

·         Thermal conductors

·         Electrical conductors

 Aluminum is extremely useful. It is found in all of the following:

1. Eyeglass frames
2. Bicycle
3. Foil
4. Antenna
5. Some car parts
6. Cans
7. Trays
8. TV Dinners
9. Wiring
10. Ladles, and other utensils
11. Screen doors and window
12. In computers as heat sinks
13. In computer housings as lightweight construction material.
14. Additive in paint
15. In watches.







Why shouldn’t you vote aluminum off? Well, in addition to being the most important metal on the table, it is essential to everyday objects. Do you want to drive a car when you’re 16?  Cars are continually becoming more advanced and without the element Aluminum, we wouldn’t be able to produce cars.  Do you want to say goodbye to eyeglasses, bicycles, vaccines, or canned foods? We didn’t think so.


Kristen S., Felisia G., and Josh T. said...

Is it really necessary for human life?

Team Oxygen/ RAD said...

Can you use other metals to make the things aluminum is found in?

Unknown said...

Yes, it is used in the several biological processes the body needs, used for alzheimer treatment, and lack of physiological role! It is also being reseached now to maybe even cure Alzheimers!!

Unknown said...

Well you could use other elements to make things Aluminum is made of, however cars are made of Aluminum because it is very light. This is not just in cars but in soda cans, trash cans, car parts, and anything we listed in our post. Would you rather carry a light soda can or a soda can that you would need to put on wheels?

Sarah Purawic said...

Is aluminum in actual canned foods or just the can?

Unknown said...

How is aluminum in our TV dinners? Would this be toxic to our bodies?

Joann Ossont said...

Is it difficult to get the Aluminum out of the earth's crust?

Joann Ossont said...

Let's do something with your link.

Unknown said...

Aluminum is in the CONTAINERS of canned foods and TV dinners. Not actually in the food. Duh. But without aluminum, it would difficult to package these foods.

Unknown said...

How did Hans Christian Oersted actually discover Aluminum?

Unknown said...

No, it is not difficult to get aluminum out of the Earth's crust. It is the most common element and makes up 8% of the Earth's crust. It is easy to find and mine.

Unknown said...

We fixed our link, thank you for the help

Unknown said...

In response to your comment about deodorant, we found out that nobody really knows what aluminum does in the human body. In the case of deodorants, you’re applying aluminum directly to the skin and leaving it there. With women, in particular, that skin might be broken from shaving. Wouldnt a natural deodorant be safer? got ya on that one...am i right? (;
xoxo nitrogen swag team

Unknown said...

How did Hans Christian Oersted actually discover Aluminum?

Unknown said...

You spelled *deodorant* incorrectly, please consider revising.

Unknown said...

Nitorgen swag team:
What are you talking about? Our blog doesn't say anything about deoderant. Get your facts straight before you sass people. Especially Cesar

Unknown said...

"do you want to say goodbye to eyeglasses, deodorant, bicycles, vaccines or canned food." This was taken right off your blog. So stop being scared of a question and reread your blog

with sass,
nitrgoen swag team

Unknown said...

this is why you're going to get voted off. CUT THE ATTITUDE

Unknown said...

Hey Jerry, just thought you should check your facts. Aluminum is not the most common element.

Unknown said...

you still have yet to answer my question... therefore you will be voted off. plus you dont have swag... sooo

with attitude
nitrogen swag team

Sarah Purawic said...

You have "high melting point" which is a relative term. "High" compared to what? Whatr is the actual melting point?

Unknown said...

correct it is the most commmon element found in nature

Unknown said...

High compared to other elements, it has a melting point of 1,221 Farenheit! Thanks for the question

Unknown said...

I was just using Aluminum foil in art! This post was very well written!!

Unknown said...

We like the way you organized your info in a chart. It made it very clear

Unknown said...

on the otherhand... your pun needs work.