The Greatness of Silicon
In 1824, what is now known as silicon which is from the Latin word “silex” was discovered by a Swedish chemist named Jacob Berzelius. By heating up chips of potassium in a silica container and then carefully washing away the residual by-products is how he discovered this element. Silicon is a metalloid with a silver complexion color. It is in the solid state and has an atomic weight 28.0855. One of the major ingredients in sand is silicon which is readily available all over the earth.

Silicon is the most important element in the world! It is the true life element. Forget all about oxygen. If we never found silicon, then all other discoveries we have made would not have been. Today technology would not be where it is at without this special element. This project would have been impossible to do because wouldn’t be able to find all of the research we needed without computers. In order to have computers you need silicon in it with all of the electronic devices, chips, and hard drive. It’s an important element that all people use and need around the world to do things that we weren’t able to do before. -
Would we be able to live without Silicon?
I understand silicon is important in the advancements of the science world, but how is it beneficial in our daily teenage lives? Contrary to popular belief our lives do not revolve around technology.
Hey girls, aren't you alwasys on your phones in class? Theres your answer.
People once did survie without technology such as computer and cell phones therefore we could do it again... also you could of looked up the information for this project in a book... or would that be to much work (;
nitrogen swag team
no we wouldn't be able to live without it!!!!
for some people it is to much work even to use a computer so how hard do you think it would be to look in a book.
Why could'nt we live without it?
Does it support actual human life?
Would we be able to live with out Silicon? ~alexis, Emily, Antonio
Cool fact about earth's crust
Silicon is used for many things! Wonderful post!
Is silicon easy to find?
Is silicon naturally found anywhere in the human body? If so, what part/structure of the body is it in?
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