We tried to make a chemistry joke but there was no reaction...anyways…
A long long time ago, in 1772, a Scottish physician named Daniel Rutherford discovered the amazing element we know as nitrogen. Nitrogen is a nonmetal, does not have metallic properties. They are found in nature as gases or weak, brittle solids.But nitrogen is just so great it could even be a liquid! Nitrogen does not have a color or odor. Its atomic number is seven and has a valence of 3 or 5. Nitrogen is found in nature. It is very easy to find, just another reason why it should be the last element standing. Why pick nitrogen to be the last element to survive? We would not have an Earth without nitrogen. Nitrogen makes up 78.1% of the Earth’s atmosphere, sorry oxygen.....Nitrogen was named by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. It was originally named azote which means “without life.” You need it to survive... just let that sink in. Nitrogen will be the last one standing.. it will survive... HEY HEY ! Our friend Ellen , even knows how great nitrogen is. Here is a video of Ellen with liquid nitrogen. Obviously if Ellen showed it on her show it is important!
We tried to make a chemistry joke but there was no reaction...anyways…
A long long time ago, in 1772, a Scottish physician named Daniel Rutherford discovered the amazing element we know as nitrogen. Nitrogen is a nonmetal, does not have metallic properties. They are found in nature as gases or weak, brittle solids.But nitrogen is just so great it could even be a liquid! Nitrogen does not have a color or odor. Its atomic number is seven and has a valence of 3 or 5. Nitrogen is found in nature. It is very easy to find, just another reason why it should be the last element standing. Why pick nitrogen to be the last element to survive? We would not have an Earth without nitrogen. Nitrogen makes up 78.1% of the Earth’s atmosphere, sorry oxygen.....Nitrogen was named by Antoine Laurent Lavoisier. It was originally named azote which means “without life.” You need it to survive... just let that sink in. Nitrogen will be the last one standing.. it will survive... HEY HEY ! Our friend Ellen , even knows how great nitrogen is. Here is a video of Ellen with liquid nitrogen. Obviously if Ellen showed it on her show it is important!
Nitrogen will survive but without it you wont. Dont be dumb, nitrogen is the one you need. It makes up 3/4 of the Earth's atmosphere. Do you like to see in the dark? Without nitrogen you would not be able to have lightbulbs. Do you like to have paintball fights with friends... well without nitrogen you can kiss that goodbye. You wouldnt want to have a major surgery with all the pain, nitrogen is also used as a anesthetic, otherwise known as laughing gas. #NITROGENSWAG.
Do all light bulbs need nitrogen? What about fluorescent bulbs?
Yes, all modern lights need nitrogen. Fluorescent bulbs do use mercury. However, fluorescent bulbs are used in tanning beds and bright signs therefore it would not be practical for homes.
nitrogen swag team
Flourescent bulbs are the energy efficent swirly ones which are slowly becoming more popular for home use.
well since you wanna argue ... here are ALOT disadvatages
-Flicker of the high frequency can be irritating to humans (eye strain, headaches, migraines)
-Flicker of common fluorescent light looks poor on video, and creates an ugly greenish or yellow hue on camera
-Diffused Light (not good when you need a focused beam such as in a headlight or flashlight)
-Poorly/cheaply designed ballasts can create radio interference that disturbs other electronics
-Poorly/cheaply designed ballasts can create fires when they overheat
-There is a small amount of mercury in the tubes
-Irritating flicker at the end of the life cycle
We will continue this tomorrow.
very nice piece of information shared in this blog.
thanks a lot for sharing
Flourescent bulbs:
~are 66% cheaper while providing the same amount of light
~lasts 6 times longer than incandscent bulbs
~do not give off heat
Where was it discovered?
You said it's "easy to find"; how exactly is it found?
excuse me ... "leah.sarah.alex" this is a nitrogen blog.. your sodium questions are not needed. I also believe that you did research sodium yourself so why you would not have an answer is beyond me. but for your other question, we did mention in our blog post that it is found in the earth;s atmosphere so read closer next time (;
nitrogen swag team
in reply to kristen,felisa,and jt. It was founded in scotland I hope we cleared things up (:
nitrgoen swag team (:
Your blog contains many opinions. You said that it must be important since Ellen had it on her show, but what if someone is not a fan of Ellen?
WHO ISNT A FAN OF ELLEN?! and our opinion of ellen does not effect the fact that nitrogen must be special enough to be featured on a talk show ?
how does nitrogen help our daily lives? What is it used in?
its all around us without it we wouldnt survive.
nitrogen swag team
Nitrogen isn't the only thing we need to survive, you're talking about it like its the only thing that we surive on. what about the other things that make up the other 21.9% of the Earths atmostphere.
Im sorry, but that didnt answer our second question. What exactly is it in? What is it in which without, we would die?
Besides nitrogen in the atmosphere, what else is it used in?
Besides nitrogen in the atmosphere, what else is it used in?
in response to antonio,alexis, and emily. Our blog is about nitrogen therefore your comment is invalid.
dear andrew, and jason
Nitrogen is used for the production of ammonia, nitric acid and fertilizers. Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze materials like food. Since nitrogen is relatively inert, it is often used as a preservative atmosphere for delicate historical objects.
We enjoyed your video and thought it was a great idea to include it in your blog
Thank you Miana, Vinny, and Caylin !!!(:
nitrogen swag team
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